Physics Of Astrophysics

Physics Of Astrophysics


By: Frank Shu

Publication date: March 2011
ISBN: 9781891389764
Subject: Astronomy

The first volume deals with the emission, absorption, and scattering of radiation by matter, as well as covering related topics such as radiative transfer, statistical physics, classical electrodynamics, and atomic and molecular structure.

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Title information

Presented in two volumes, The Physics of Astrophysics is ideally suited for a year-long astrophysics course for university seniors and first-year graduate students. The first volume deals with the emission, absorption, and scattering of radiation by matter, as well as covering related topics such as radiative transfer, statistical physics, classical electrodynamics, and atomic and molecular structure.

Pages: 429
Language: English
Publisher: University Science Books
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Part 1: Radiative Transfer and Statistical Mechanics
Part 2: Classical Theory of Radiation Processes
Part 3: Quantum Theory of Radiation Processes

“Students who opt to follow this pair of excellent texts are going to equip themselves with a strong background in the physics of astrophysics, and receive a compelling invitation to use this new-found knowledge to explore the many exciting areas of modern astronomy.”