The Technical Writer's Handbook

The Technical Writer's Handbook

Writing with Style and Clarity

By: Matt Young

Publication date: August 2003
ISBN: 9781891389214

Written by a practicing scientist, this book is directed to scientists, engineers, and others who want to improve their writing and communication.

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Title information

Unlike many other books on technical writing, this one is actually written by a practicing scientist who screens hundreds of manuscripts each year.  It is directed to scientists, engineers and others who want to improve their writing and communication skills with an easy-to-use format.

Pages: 232
Language: English
Publisher: University Science Books
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Preface: How to Use This Book
Part I: An Introduction to Technical Writing
Part II: An ABC of Technical Writing (Alphabetical Entries)

“A scientist and journal editor wisely addresses the problems of technical writing.”

“This book should be on the desk of anyone hoping to convey technical information in understandable language.”
-Optics News