Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie and Simon's Physical Chemistry

Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie and Simon's Physical Chemistry

By: Heather Cox

Publication date: February 1998
ISBN: 9780935702439

This manual is designed to complement McQuarrie and Simon's new Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by providing a detailed solution for every one of the more than 1400 problems found in the text.


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Title information

This manual is designed to complement McQuarrie and Simon’s new Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by providing a detailed solution for every one of the more than 1400 problems found in the text.

Pages: 955
Language: English
Publisher: University Science Books
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1.The Dawn of Quantum Theory
Math Chapter A/Complex Numbers
2. The Classical Wave Equation
Math Chapter B/Probability and Statistics
3. The Schrodinger Equation and a Particle In a Box
Math Chapter C/ Vectors
4. Some Postulates and General Principles of Quantum Mechanics
Math Chapter D/ Spherical Coordinates
5. The Harmonic Oscillator and the Rigid Rotator: Two Spectroscopic Models
6. The Hydrogen Atom
Math Chapter E/ Determinants
7. Approximation Methods
8. Multielectron Atoms
9. The Chemical Bond: Diatomic Molecules
10. Bonding in Polyatomic Molecules
11. Computational Quantum Chemistry
Math Chapter F/ Matrices
12. Group Theory: The Exploitation of Symmetry
13. Molecular Spectroscopy
14. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
15. Lasers, Laser Spectroscopy, and Photochemistry
Math Chapter G/Numerical Methods
16. The Properties of Gases
Math Chapter H/Partial Derivatives
17. The Boltzmann Factor and Partition Functions
Math Chapter I/Series and Limits
18. Partition Functions and Ideal Gases
19. The First Law of Thermodynamics
Math Chapter J/ The Binomial Distribution and Stirling's Approximation
20. Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
21. Entropy and the Third Law of Thermodynamics
22. Helmholtz and Gibbs Energies
23. Phase Equilibria
24. Solutions I: Liquid-Liquid Solutions
25. Solutions II: Solid-Liquid Solutions
26. Chemical Equilibria
27. The Kinetic Theory of Gases
28. Chemical Kinetics I: Rate Laws
29. Chemical Kinetics II: Reaction Mechanisms
30. Gas-Phase Reaction Dynamics
31. Solids and Surface Chemistry
-Answers to Numerical Problems